
item medallion of a true legend-tier IV emptyemptyempty

The words still ring in your ears. This medallion will be with you forever to remind you of the countless hours you spent in battle and planning to become the legend that you are. The colorful medal has four gold clusters engraved into it, symbolizing the status of your legendary title.


Remarks may be grafted 3x
hero classes Every character class can use this item.
race every race may use this item
requirements legend status is at least 120
hit points 99
value 0
unique unique for hero
uses left unlimited
uses per dungeon unlimited
uses per fight unlimited
effect -
needs -
location medal
item class
including bonuses
Enchanting: All (+0/+0)
Enchanting: Trinkets (+0/+0)
legendary medals (+0/+0) (you may carry only one of these)
including bonuses
designed by Code_Red