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Data Transfer - 2010-02-12
Newby hour on the Chat
Data Transfer - 2010-01-14
New Dungeon - The fight in Arnolia Berunc
Design Blog: Achievements


My name is Black Phoenix. Many of you may know me, but for those who don't let me introduce myself. My real, non-emo-sounding name is Timothy, I'm 22 years old and live in America.

I've always been a fan of role playing games, getting my start with early computer games such as Baldur's Gate, Never Winter Nights, etc... My personal experience with WoD only goes back to 2006, when I started playing just before the beta ended. I've been a member of the design team for just over a year now, and plan to stick around quite a bit longer.

But, I post this before your inquisitive eyes today not to bore you with personal details, or completely and utterly spill the beans on our upcoming projects (maybe next time), but to talk to you about one of the features we recently introduced on the player realms. Namely, achievements, how they relate to you, and what our plans for the future with them are.
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