
Cloud Raider

Deprecated - try the new cloudraider !!


The Cloud Raider specializes in ranged attacks while efficiently using the battlefield to their advantage. With an increased mobility and some control over the arcane, they can be become masters of ambush and their adversaries worst nightmare.

This class is under development, some skills may change overtime.

[overview] [details] [skills] [description]

advantages - disadvantages

You cannot convert your hero into this class. As this is a new class, all heroes must start at level 1 to use it. You will not be able to jump levels on a new class through converting!

Attribute bonus

Attribute Modifier
Dexterity +1
Agility +1
Perception +2
Mana points -20%


race restrictions

Mag Mor
Tirem Ag

Cloud Raider


Hero Sub-classes

When your hero reaches level 21 they may choose a sub-class:

1. Master of Patience /Mistress of Patience

This hero is the epitome of patience. Jeers and threats do not influence them in any way. With this level of calmness and patience, it is no wonder their carefully aimed shots almost always find their mark.

2. Master of Ranged Combat /Mistress of Ranged Combat

This archer has learned to utilize various ranged weapons with extreme accuracy. They are also able to work with poison with more ease than earlier in their adventures, and is capable of standing face to face with even the most dangerous mages.

3. Master of Black Powder /Mistress of Black Powder

This archer has studied anatomy and knows exactly where to aim. Their blunderbusses have been modified for greater efficiency by the archer themselves.