
Design Team's Focus?

With Ravenhide returned to his post, the design team is looking for areas of the game to focus on first over this year. To that end, we ask our players: What would you like to be addressed? What suggestions do you have for the game as a whole? Ravenhide is currently looking at tweaks to the Shaman and Hunter to bring them up to par with other classes, but the Team would like to ask members of the game their own thoughts on the current game state. Feel free to drop a comment detailing any specifics about your choice-- new premium or non-premium classes if you chose Classes, what Dungeons you'd like to see in a specific level range if you chose Dungeons, etc.

1.  Classes 53.3 % 24 x 53.3 %
2.  Items 6.7 % 3 x 6.7 %
3.  Dungeons 28.9 % 13 x 28.9 %
4.  Adventure 6.7 % 3 x 6.7 %
5.  Skills 4.4 % 2 x 4.4 %
Only for Darkveil  - 45 players (45 from Darkveil)

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